Will Ruddick分享 Sarafu Network 和 承諾池(Commitment Pooling) 如何促進社群經濟。描繪了未來區塊鏈如何與政府、社群貨幣與能源代幣結合,打造去中心化的信任經濟網絡,讓社群擁有更大的經濟自主權。
Thanks so much. Feels like I may finally make it to China someday 🙏
It's our pleasure to have you on the podcast to share the beautiful work you've done with our Mandarin Chinese audience!
Thanks so much. Feels like I may finally make it to China someday 🙏
It's our pleasure to have you on the podcast to share the beautiful work you've done with our Mandarin Chinese audience!